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Me, it’s me.

In my head everything is new.

Just like a clock, how every second is new. Brand new.

In my head, anything can happen.

It is a magic bottle.

I was captured by a brown big monster.


In a small box.

Then, there comes a key.

A golden key jUmPiNg.

                   Up                           Up

Down                     Down                     Down

That little key is a way to my imaginaion to flow free.


That is all happening in my little head.

Not bigger than my dad’s.

Not bigger than my mom’s.

Not bigger than my sister’s.

In my little small head.

But there is a big imagination.

I draw golden ways to let it out.

My imagination is a magnificent glorious way to my self, a medicene to let me free from this sickness of…

Everything same and boring. CASUAL.

I am different, and that is why I think different.

And that is me no mather what.

Did anyone touch my cansas?

After James seen it, I put it on my desk, and I forgot to pick it up.



Tell me if yu know something.

Better chck my bag again!


Poem Challange #14


I want to get a prize.

But not any kind of prize.

Not gold,

Or silver,

Or a computer.

I just want the prize to spend time with my family.

Poem a Day Challenge #13


Think that you can not run.

Think that you can not talk.

Think that you can not listen.

Think that you can not love.

Think that you can not hug.

Think that you can not see.

Think that you can not feel.

Think that you can not walk.

Think that you can not laugh.

Think that you can not smile.

Think that you can not grin.

Think that you can not cry.

Think that you can not jog.

Think that you can not write.

Like how I am right now.

Think that you can not do anything at all.

You are blessed.

When you think you can do nothing, think of the things you can do.

When other people can’t.

At least for them, do those things, when you can.

You don’t know what will happen.

Or if you would be missing the things you could have done,

when you now can’t do.

Poem Challange #12


There he moves a larve under the dirt.

There he wonders how he will look like when he grows.

There he stays under the dirt.

There he stays under the dirt that is getting watered.

There he wonders all day long, while growing.

He is a wondering larve.

Poem Challange #11


Riding a taxi alone, is lonely.

Riding a taxi together, is not lonely.

Don’t step on your way to dream alone.

Though it’s good to go by yourself,

Go together with someone.

Get help,

It will help you.

And I am sure.

Poem Challange #10

A girl

I see a blonde girl running.

She is roughly breathing,

running around the gym.

She doesn’t stop, and keeps going on.

She runs faster and faster.

I see her blonde hair move as she runs.

She is a blonde girl running.

And she will keep on running.

I Am The Cheater

Thank you for the people who read my story!

Chapter 3

I groaned as I got my clothes on. Dinner with Karina on this day? Her mom and my mom had decided to meet together without even asking me. And it was in a luxurious restaurant. My mom and I had to go shopping for luxurious clothes and it was awful. I was going to have dinner with Jake today, and now mom ruined it. Well, Jake didn’t really mind and we had to schedule it to tomorrow.

“Bella, mama said let’s go! And she said you have to wear nice boots we bought yesterday, not converse!” Emma shouted. I hurry got my bag and stuffed my phone, and everything else I needed. I quickly combed my hair and went quickly down the stairs. I put on the boots my mom bought and got in the car. As I put my hair band, I said, “This is going to be a disaster.”

. . .

It actually worked out better than I thought. Except the part when Karina wore this amazing black dress with a big flower and an actual real diamond hair band she got from her dad for her birthday present. But me, I wore this black T-shirt with a cat on, and a short plain black dress. I could simply compare myself to her. I never knew she was that rich. Wow. But that girl and me? We didn’t talk a single word to each other. I was all exhausted that I just jumped down on my bed and slept right away. That day, I was super tired.

. . .

“Hey Bella!” He greeted.

“Hey Jake!” I smiled. We went in the Steak Supreme restaurant, the best one in our town. We ordered two steak set and two 7-up. The drink came first, and I pealed the straw paper off and put it right in the cup. I took a sip and said, “So Jake, what did you do yesterday?” He took a long sip and said, “I met Jeniffer she called me and she asked me to meet her at the park!” I stared at him.

” And you..?” I asked.

” Well…I went to the park-”

” So you did go??”

“Yeah…And she asked like bunch of questions.”

“So, you…?”

“Answered them. Is there a problem?”

“Yes! Don’t you know Karina asked her to ask you bunch of questions to make me worse? ‘Cause she is mad at me? Really mad at me?”

“Geez…Bella, I didn’t say anything wrong. It’ll be all right.”

“Yeah, really…Huh? Yes it will surely get better. Ha!”

“Bella, let’s forget about that right now, and just eat. Okay?”

“Fine, but I am going to ask you. Later. And you watch what you say, eh?”

“And you watch your temper!” He took another sip and grinned at me. I smiled. It was good to have a friend like Jake. He was very helpful, and I wished there was a way to show him.

After we ate all the food, Jake walked me home. I went up to my door, and he said, “See ya tomorrow!”

“Bye, Jake.” I said. As I went up to my room, I felt much better. It was like my little bean started to have a sprout. But I still didn’t feel good in one place. Was me and Karina still friends, or was it over now?

Poem a Day Challenge #9

A note to my sister.

Getting ready for school,
My sister shaking me saying wake up.
Oh boy oh me, I push off my sister and pull my blanket,
Tug my head right in, saying good night, good night.
But my sister right away takes away my blanket and shakes me again.
With a lazy moan I wake up, and you smile, but I groan.
This time, yes, you won.
But the next time, no, no, no, no.
I will get myself back to sleep.


Fly freely like a bird in the sky.

Fly freely with your wings, stretching them out.

Fly to anywhere you like, if you have the strength to reach it.

Fly with freedom in your wings.

Fly without a stop.

Fly your dream until the end of the ocean.

Don’t let go of your dreams.